Join the E-mail lists
Connecticut Lions E-mail subscription
contact Dan Uitti about joining your district list: Lions list
Name, Club, District, E-mail address
your CT NOW group Member list
Join the email lists. We have more than one kind. Learn to understand and know the differences and why you should be on one list and not another.
1. The Connecticut Lions E-mail subscription lists
Hidden and private. Only members can use it. Each club in each district should have at least one member on the list to build our District and state network on the internet. Simple enough, the email address is for District 23-A. for District 23-B. for District 23-C.
Contact me about joining your district list.
The “Lions” list is where we display your Name, Club, District, and E-mail address. This list is for everyone in the world to see. While it is possible for someone to take the names from this list and send out unwanted email, it is not likely. If you desire your continued privacy, ask to be added to the subscription list and ask me to keep you off this list.
Providing this list helps to promote the idea that Lions are on the Internet and that WE are building a network of members. There are many uses of this list on-line.
3. Member Lists at CT NOW - we will talk about this new development later in this seminar.