Membership Report
The on-line Membership Report will soon be way for our clubs, districts and Lions International to membership tracking much easier, easy to correct, fewer errors and discrepancies. Unfortunately, few clubs are using the system yet.
You must believe that most clubs seek a club secretary with a computer. Most district seek a Cabinet Secretary with a computer. According to Lions Clubs International, 68% of our District Governors reported having email. I certainly am not suggesting that the on-line Membership report not be made manditory, but it certainly should become available for use within our districts. The problems faced with learning this easy to use system is not unsurmountable.
The Club Secretary goes to and clicks on Member and Officer Reports section. Instructions on how to apply for a club password appears on the page. Once the secretary has applied for the password, it should arrive in his or her email inbox at some point during the week.
Once the Club Secretary enters the page with the password, simply Fill in on-line form.
An Idea: Districts should provide this information in their Secretary School.