How can Lions utilize the Internet?
Make Webpages - the On-line brochure
using is easier than ever
Promote the idea and collect e-mail addresses
How can Lions use the internet? Of course, some people have caught on quickly. Many other Lions see the potential of the internet, but simply feel technically challenged. They intend to leave the idea of promoting Lionism to someone that has some magic technical knowledge.
Talking to you, the Lions Leaders, you have more to say and have more knowledge of what our message should be. It is YOU that must accept the job to make your club more visible.
Making a typical webpage, using the proper tools and learning the techniques seems like such a bother.
CT NOW makes it much simpler. No tools are needed. No knowledge is required. Just go there, Join, Create and type. Then begin to invite your fellow members to join, and contribute. More brains can make it better.
Why CT NOW? I do not work for CT NOW, I recommend this because of the many free and easy tools that connect your page with your community. Regular forms of webpages require great technical expertise and many hours of work finding ways to promote it.
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