Section on Meeting Information
<UL> <DT><B><U><FONT SIZE=+1>Meetings:</FONT></U></B></DT>
</UL><UL> <UL>
<LI><FONT SIZE=+1><B><FONT COLOR="#C86400">When:</FONT></B> 2nd & 4th Wednesday - 18:30</FONT> <BR></LI>
<LI><FONT SIZE=+1><B><FONT COLOR="#C86400">Where:</FONT></B> Starfleet Academy Lounge</FONT></LI> </UL> </UL>
- When: 2nd & 4th Wednesday - 18:30
- Where: Starfleet Academy Lounge
The meeting information section looks a little more complicated. But you can see the text that is to be displayed. Some of the HTML Tags shown simply change the color of the text from one part to the next. The other “HTML TAGs” control other properties of the text.
The <UL> defines the Unsorted list of items that desribes your Meetings.
The <U> command turns on underlining.
The <LI> command makes the line start with a bullet.
The <B> command makes the text bold.