Why Lions Clubs have a web page
- Publicity
- Electronic Communication
- Low or No cost, No risk
Represent Lions Clubs International
- Keep it current
- Faithful to our International Trademark
- Simple Sponsor Ads
Lions Clubs certainly have much to gain on the internet. Many Lions feel abandoned by the print media, as well as television and radio for an effective means to tell the story. Making a web page for your organization gives you complete control over the content and availability of information for the public to see.
With a web page, your club has a contact that is not provided by any other medium. Few Lions Clubs list a telephone number in the phone book or yellow pages. Few Lions Clubs advertise weekly to inform the public on how they can be reached.
Using an internet account that you already own, or asking a local internet provider to donate an account to your club makes this all free. If you do not have any luck, you can get a lower cost internet account that does not provide additional services, and sign-up for the free web page space that is available online.
Do not use your web page to advertise someone’s product or services. You certainly may thank your sponsor for their assistance. Keep in mind that we do not freely share our Lions International trademark with other enterprises.