It Takes All Kinds
the Electronically Challenged
No, not everyone will have
There are “Internet Junkies”, “Internet Wannabies”, “Internet Scaredy-Cats” and the electronically challenged. It all boils down to developing a good network and building respect for others that use the system. It is knowing what is suitable for the internet, as well as the printed material that we produce.
It is knowing who you will reach and who you will not reach.
It is knowing that many Lions read their email only on weekends while others only read it while at work.
But do not assume anything. One eighty year old friend of mine has made a Lions Club webpage. She is excited about the prospects of making changes to it. She can’t wait until it is time to update it with next year’s Club Officers.
President Bill Clinton has warned us about building too much technology into our programs. He urges us NOT to build a “Digital Divide”.